10 Best Substitutes For Vegetable Oil – Some May Surprise You
Needless to say, oil is one of the most common ingredients that you need to have when cooking or baking. If you take a look at some recipes, you will see that “vegetable oil” is required.
What is vegetable oil in the first place? Just like animal fats, this one here is a mixture of triglycerides and is extracted from seeds or other parts of fruits. The truth is, it could be a combination of several oils.
While vegetable oil is generally not bad for you, it may not be the best tool for your cooking job. In case you run out or you just want to have a healthier alternative, consider the following substitutes:
Olive Oil
For moderate-heat cooking, olive oil is an excellent substitute for vegetable oil. In fact, it is considered as one of the healthiest oils that you can ever use in your kitchen. This type of oil, which is extracted from olives, contains high amounts of monounsaturated fats, which are essential in lowering cholesterol levels.
Traditionally used in Asian cooking, ghee is a clarified form of butter. It actually originated from India and is used in various cuisines. It is made by melting regular butter and removing the milk solids, which means that it has a cleaner and richer taste.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is good for sauteing at medium heat. It can also be used for baking, but it is highly recommended that you heat it first in a microwave before mixing it with the other ingredients so that you can have it in its liquid form. Take note that this oil is 90 percent saturated fats, that is why it is usually solid at room temperature.
Canola Oil
Canola oil, which is made from the rapeseed plant, consists of 60 percent monounsaturated fats, 30 percent polyunsaturated fats, and about 10 percent saturated fats. One of the biggest advantages of using this oil is that it can withstand high heat.
Avocado Oil
We all know how healthy the avocado fruit is, and you can definitely expect its oil to be the same way. Without a doubt, it is a very good alternative to vegetable oil and is perfect for making hearty meals. It has a creamy and buttery flavor, making it excellent for stir-frying, grilling, and other cooking methods.
Flaxseed Oil
This oil, popularly known as flax oil or linseed oil is made by pressing and grounding flax seeds until they release their natural oil. It could come colorless or yellowish. The only downside of using flaxseed oil is that it is not stable when used with heat. It is excellent, though, for marinades, drizzles, and dressings.
Butter is another staple ingredient for cooking as well as baking. Thousands of baking recipes require butter, which works much better than vegetable oil, especially when making muffins, cookies, or cakes. It is also good for sauteing as it adds more flavor to the dish.
This may come as a big surprise but, yes, yogurt can be a substitute for vegetable oil, too, particularly when baking. It provides a creamy taste and thick texture. Plain yogurt is good, but for better results, try using vanilla yogurt.
Sesame Oil
When stir-frying or making seasonings or sauces, sesame oil works really great. But if you intend to make sweet dishes, you might as well use another type of oil since sesame oil has a distinct taste that could overpower the flavor of what you are making. But, in general, it’s a good alternative to vegetable oil.
That’s right, applesauce can also be used as a substitute for vegetable oil, but be sure to use the unsweetened one. If you are making muffins, loaves of bread, or cakes, applesauce can make them moist. Plus, this ingredient is low in calories.
If you are using any of the above-mentioned oil to substitute vegetable oil, the ratio would still be 1:1. Be sure to pick one that best suits your needs, too.

Butter is my favourite, it’s also got other uses 😀 maybe I’m just lazy to buy oil